Pastor’s Letter: March 12, 2023

Pastor’s Letter: March 12, 2023

Pastor’s Letter: March 12, 2023

10 Mar 2023 | Posted by: chadmin

The March 12 bulletin is available online.

Dear friend,

I pray the Lenten Season is going well for you. Each year at Lent I personally experience a spiritual renewal through God’s grace, increased prayer, and the faithful seeking to join the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Last week our RCIA class was sent from St. Philomena to Bishop Lou at the Cathedral for the Rite of Election. The Rite of Election is the formal welcome to the group of those that will receive the Easter Sacraments. It is always a moment of grace and peace for me to witness these soon-to-be Catholics meet the Bishop and experience a Cathedral liturgy for the first time. This year, St. Philomena presented 19 adults and children who will be Baptized and/or Confirmed at Easter. These men and women have faithfully prayed, studied, attended Mass, and been present for weekly class since September. Lent becomes an intensified time of focus prior to the Easter Vigil and reception of the Sacraments. Please keep them all in prayer. In my years of experience, people join the RCIA class for all sorts of reasons, but by the end of the class, as they enter Easter, all have chosen to say “Amen” or “Yes” to Jesus of their own free will. I can attest to the Lord working in each of their hearts and will pray the last few weeks of Lent for a joyous reception of God’s grace at Easter. Please join me in this prayer.

The Third Sunday of Lent includes the First Scrutiny of those in the RCIA program. This is a time of joy and spiritual healing. The liturgy of the Church reminds us that God desires to give His spiritual healing, love and forgiveness to all humanity. The reception of the Easter Sacraments by new Catholics allows us all to witness this process in the hearts of our brothers and sisters. The First Scrutiny this weekend coincides with the Gospel passage about the Woman at the Well. Essentially, she begins to thirst for what God alone can provide. As we see others thirst for God, may we each thirst for the love and healing of God this Lent and Easter. The Woman at the Well story then transitions from her thirst and her reception of healing to her evangelizing the town about Jesus. She invited others to come see Jesus and receive what she received. As we pray our way through Lent, we are all called to both receive from Jesus and invite others to be loved by Him. Have a great week.

God bless

Father David