Guest Column Pastor’s Letter: January 26, 2025
Posted by chadmin
Dear friends, I hope and pray you are all well! I miss you all very much. It was truly an interesting experience to move from St. Philomena to Epiphany last July. I was blessed to be with you at St. Philomena for 18 years! The years went so fast. I was personally able to do a lot of reflecting before...

Pastor’s Letter: June 30, 2024
Posted by chadmin
Dear St. Philomena Family, Thank you for the open house last Saturday. The evening was filled with many stories, laughs, memories and thoughts about the future. Our Parish Trustees, Steve Knecht and Allyson Schneider, began the open house with some thoughts about the last 18 years. Since Saturday, many people have expressed a disappointment that they couldn’t make the Open...

Pastor’s Letter: June 23, 2024
Posted by chadmin
Dear friend, On Saturday, June 22, we are hosting an open house, or did host an open house depending on when you read this =), to celebrate 18 years of my priestly service at St. Philomena. I still find it hard to believe 18 years have passed since I moved to St. Philomena on June 14, 2006. I was just...
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