The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 27)
Welcome to St. Philomena Church
Our parish family is diverse with more than 1,400 registered families and 470 students in our school. Growing as disciples of Jesus Christ and living out our baptismal promises throughout the different seasons of life. All are welcome and valued. Non-Christians, Christians of a different denomination, and Catholic Christians are welcome to our communal life of prayer, enriching programs and ministries, and parish events.
Let us welcome you with a tour! Call or email the parish office to schedule.
Celebrating the Christian Mysteries
Sunday, the “Lord’s Day”, is the principal day for the celebration of the Eucharist because it is the day of the Resurrection. It is the day of the Christian family, rest from work, and joy. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1193)
Join us for the celebration of the Christian Mysteries through the prayer of the holy Mass.
Saturday Mass: 4:30 pm
Sunday Mass: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 7:30 pm
See our website home page for additional times during the week.
Christ is the true temple of God, “the place where his glory dwells;” by the grace of God, Christians also become temples of the Holy Spirit, living stones out of which the Church is built. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1197)
Our visible churches are images of the holy city, the heavenly Jerusalem, toward which we are making our way on pilgrimage. In the churches we publicly celebrate the glory of the God through hearing His Word in the Scriptures, singing His praises, lifting up our prayer intentions, and offering the sacrifice of Christ’s death and resurrection, and being sent out to love one another. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1198-99)
Join the Parish Family
Join an enlivened and thriving parish family. We would love for you to call St. Philomena your home. By knowing who you are, we can help you get involved and connected to others in our parish.
To register as a member of St. Philomena Parish, please follow THIS LINK and complete the form. If you prefer, paper forms can be found in the church, by coming into the parish office or by contacting the parish office for a form to be mailed to you.
Parish Registration:
- Lets us know you’re here.
- Helps us prepare your family for sacraments.
- Gives you a place to store your sacramental records, better enabling you to be a godparent or a confirmation sponsor.
- Registered members receive weekly emails with reminders about parish activities as well as the weekly pastor’s letter.
What We Offer:
For those new to Christianity, Catholicism, or Catholics desiring to rediscover our faith beliefs or complete the Sacraments.
Receive God’s grace through the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick.
Children’s Ministry:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for 3-year-olds through fourth graders, Sunday Faith Formation for preschool through eighth grade, Tiny Tigers for newborn – age 4.
Young People Ministries:
Finding Your Fiat for junior high girls and Bosco Boys for junior high boys.
St. Philomena School:
Preschool through eighth-grade.
Adult Ministries:
St. Philomena Moms’ Group, Adult Bible Study, and Perpetual Adoration Chapel.
Outreach & Service Groups:
Men’s Club, Funeral Committee, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Liturgical Ministries, Hospitality Team, and more to be found in our stewardship form.