Tag: Mary, Mother of God

Pastor’s Letter: December 31, 2023

Pastor’s Letter: December 31, 2023

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope everyone had the chance to celebrate with family and loved ones. Every year the celebration of Christmas includes so many cultural and family traditions. This time of year always invites us to reflect upon the love of God and the meaning of family. Christmas is a time to emphasize...

Pastor’s Letter: January 1, 2023

Pastor’s Letter: January 1, 2023

Posted by chadmin

The January 1 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, Happy New Year! As Catholics, we have the privilege of celebrating the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, on January 1, to finish the Christmas Octave. The Christmas Octave gives us the opportunity to celebrate Christmas for eight straight days. Sometimes our culture can conflict with our celebration of our...

Pastor’s Letter: December 11, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: December 11, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The December 11 bulletin is now available online. Dear friend, This Sunday the Church celebrates Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent. “Gaudete,” a Latin word meaning rejoice is the first word of the Latin entrance antiphon for Sunday’s Mass. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.  Indeed, the Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4-5. These words of St. Paul...


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