Pastor’s Letter: March 3, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: March 3, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: March 3, 2024

1 Mar 2024 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friend,

During His ministry, Jesus visited Jerusalem several times. As the Gospel relates this weekend, He especially journeyed south to Jerusalem, from Galilee, for the Passover celebration. Jews would travel from far and near for the Passover. It was an important communal religious celebration of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. However, it was not only a freedom from physical slavery but also the gift to freely practice religion. The Temple in the first century world was a modern wonder and the center of the Jewish life. That which started solely as a place of prayer progressed into religious, social, political, and shopping place. While the Temple was a place of prayer, the primary religious function was the animal sacrificial offerings. The process of sacrificial offering was elaborate and messy. In some ways it became practical to sell the animals at the Temple. Outside the actual Temple, the Temple Area, became the social market. Here they would sell the animals for sacrifice amongst other things.

By the words and actions of Jesus, we can presume they were misusing God’s house for financial profit. Whether the scales were not fair or the items sold had nothing to do with religious practice, it is clear Jesus disagreed with the improper use of God’s House. As the disciples witness Jesus cleansing the Temple of improper worship and cheating, they remember and quote Psalm 69:9: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” This is one example of many Old Testament Psalms and prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. This Psalm of King David cries out about the people mocking him for his dedication to God, for putting God first. Jesus takes this same theme unto Himself. As Jesus is consumed with only God’s Will, the people fail to see how his life, words, and actions are all about revealing Divine Truth. Jesus calls all to follow God’s will, which can sometimes bring religious opposition. The messages of Jesus all involve the process of getting to heaven. As we pray our way through Lent, let us ponder what is in our own spiritual heart, mind, temple (body), that is a deterrent from seeing and serving God first and perfectly. May we seek the purification this Lent needed to offer fitting and pure worship to our God.

We had a great Fish Fry last Friday night. We often joke that it takes a village to raise a family…it definitely takes a village to put on a Fish Fry at St. Philomena! Thanks to everyone who cooked, organized, sold meals, organized the child entertainment, setup or cleaned up. The Fish Fry is a great Lenten activity to focus on the reality of our Friday abstinence from meat in thanksgiving for the self-offering of Jesus while gathering the community to socialize. As always, the funds raised are used in our church and school ministry. We have one more Fish Fry on March 8. Have a great week.

In Christ’s Peace,

Father David