Pastor’s Letter: January 22, 2023
20 Jan 2023 | Posted by: chadmin
The January 22 bulletin is available online.
Dear friend,
The Book of Isaiah is one of the great books of the Bible. We just finished the Advent and Christmas Seasons where the liturgy of the Church presents many of the prophetic writings of Isaiah and the fulfillment in Jesus Christ. This weekend, as we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Church offers a passage from Isaiah that Jesus then quotes in the written Gospel five hundred years later. With the arrival of Jesus in the world “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” When the light of Jesus Christ appeared in the world the darkness of sin dispersed. The light of Jesus Christ can be described in many ways. One of the most important ways to envision the light of Christ is the revelation of truth. God created the world out of love in order to be loved. The love of Christ compels us to desire to know His truth. The Bible reveals the truth of God that He wills we know this side of Heaven. In our daily prayer and practice of the faith we are called to seek His truth. Whether through our weekly reception of Holy Communion or our daily Morning Prayer to God, our whole relationship with God beckons us to learn. The more we learn about the God revealed in the Bible, the more we desire to live the way He lived. The life of Jesus Christ paves the way for each of us to live as children of our Heavenly Father. Discipleship is a daily quest to model the Master in all ways. As we seek to grow as Christians, may we look to the simple ways to love the way He loves.
The Parish Center cleanup is about finished. Most areas are back to working order. My office is not yet fully functional, but close. The Parish Center basement classrooms are still being cleaned and reassembled. All in all, the situation could have been a lot worse. I feel blessed that the building didn’t suffer more damage. The insurance for the Diocese has communicated well with us. They are taking care of the expenses, minus our deductible. We clearly had some airlock and insulation issues that resulted in the frozen pipe. We are currently working on solutions to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future. I may have said it before, but I lost a lot paperwork. So if you reached out to me, especially by mail, and are expecting a response, it wouldn’t hurt to reach out again as I may have lost that information. Thanks for the patience as we return to normal parish office operation.
God bless,
Father David
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