Growing Disciples Pastoral Plan
27 Dec 2022 | Posted by: chadmin
“Since coming to the “Heart of Illinois,” Bishop Louis Tylka has experienced firsthand the faith and good works of our priests, religious and laypeople, and he has listened to the people of the Diocese of Peoria. In response to what he has learned, Bishop Tylka has commissioned a pastoral planning process called Growing Disciples, with the goal of moving further into the mission which Christ has given us: to go and make disciples.
In order to renew discipleship and enhance relationships with Jesus in every corner of our region, Growing Disciples will examine the current structure of parishes and schools in the diocese to evaluate how they can best meet the needs of the faithful and address challenges facing the Church today.” —www.growingdisciplescdop.org
(May 18, 2024) Bishop Lou today announced his decisions about the parishes and churches of our diocese. CLICK HERE to read the letter about St. Philomena. To view the bishop’s video and access letters about all parishes and churches in the diocese, go to growingdisciplescdop.org
(October 2023) Round 2 Parish Models: CLICK HERE for the page with information about the recommendations for Round 2. After attending the October 9 parish meeting, or viewing the videos and reading the Round 2 information, please complete the following FEEDBACK FORM by Nov. 22, 2023.
All Growing Disciples Videos YouTube Playlist
- Introductory Video by Bishop Lou
- Update: Bishop Lou Round 2 Message of Gratitude (January 2024)
- Update: Growing Disciples Bulletin Letter Oct 1 2023
- Bishop Lou – Five Foundations Update Letter (May 2023)
- Update: Feedback Session (Father David | May 2023)
- Update: Priest Assembly Days (Father Chase | April 2023)
- Update: Catholic Schools (Bishop Lou | March 2023)
- Update: Planning Process (Bishop Lou | February 2023)
- Update: More than Numbers (Father David | January 2023)
- Update: Key Parish Leaders (Msgr. Merdian | January 2023)
- Update: Who’s Who (Father Chase | December 2022)
Click here for The Catholic Post article introducing Evangelization.
Part 1 Empowering Evangelization “What does “evangelization” really mean, and how are we called to evangelize as Catholics? What does this have to do with the Growing Disciples Pastoral Planning initiative? In this video, Bishop Lou Tylka and Father Adam Cesarek, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Pontiac, Ill., discuss their perspectives–and address common challenges and questions–related to evangelization and Growing Disciples.” —growingdisciplescdop.org/
Part 1 Empowering Evangelization handout, page 1 page 2
The Five Pillars: PART 2: DISCIPLESHIP
Part 2 Inspiring Discipleship “What did Jesus intend for all of us when he called his first disciples–and what does that mean for us as a Church today? Matt Faley Chief of Mission for the Diocese of Peoria, and Jenny Witt, Director of Evangelization at St. Philomena Parish, discuss what we mean when we use the word “discipleship,” how to discern what Jesus intended for all of us, and how to live out vibrant discipleship–both in our personal apostolates and in our parishes–which is an important goal of the Growing Disciples pastoral planning process.” —growingdisciplescdop.org/
Part 2 Inspiring Discipleship handout
The Five Pillars: PART 3: VOCATIONS
Part 3 Strengthening Vocations “How did God make you to love? Which path will lead you to holiness? Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Peoria, and Sr. M. Bernadette, FSGM, discuss our universal call to holiness, how to listen for the path God is calling us to take, and why they each felt called to enter the religious life – a foundational understanding essential to the Growing Disciples pastoral planning process.” — growingdisciplescdop.org/
Part 3 Strengthening Vocations handout
The Five Pillars: PART 4: THE EUCHARIST
Part 4 The Eucharist “Do you believe in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? Did you know that the Mass is our invitation to join in Christ’s sacrifice and participate in communion with God and love for Jesus? Father Luke Spannagel, Priest and National Eucharistic Preacher for the Diocese of Peoria, and Ana Rodas, Assistant Director of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Peoria, discuss how we can come to know and experience Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist, so that our participation in the Mass produces the fruit our Lord intended when He gave us the gift of sharing in communion through the Eucharist – a foundational understanding essential to the Growing Disciples pastoral planning process.” —growingdisciplescdop.org/
Part 5 The Eucharist “Watch as Monsignor Jason Gray, Priest and Director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation, and Katie Bogner, Teacher for the Diocese of Peoria and creator of “Teaching with Fulton Sheen” curriculum, discuss the life of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, his first recorded miracle, and the many ways he modeled how we can pursue our lives as disciples, living and working in witness for Christ.” —growingdisciplescdop.org/
- Fr. Luke Spannagel
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