Anna LeFante Vocation Story
22 Jun 2020 | Posted by: chadmin
This month, Anna LeFante enters the discernment process to become a religious sister with the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, whose motherhouse is in Miami, Florida. Anna shared her vocation story with us and welcomes prayers from our parish as she enters this time of discernment and formation.
Anna is the third of four children to Jim and Tricia LeFante. She is an alumna of St. Philomena School (2016) and Peoria Notre Dame (2020). When she was 13 years old, she began to ask God if He was calling her to religious life. The summer of 2017 she attended the PND mission trip to Miami with the religious community, the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Two years later she began spiritual direction to pray more deeply about her vocation. In November of 2019 she began the application process and after another visit to the Motherhouse in February, confirmed the Lord’s invitation. Why now? Anna says, “When you know the Lord is asking something of you, how can you not respond? You are just wasting your time doing anything else. Nothing is going to be better, more fulfilling, or fruitful than whatever He has for you. This time of formation is a powerful time, you are learning, open to be formed by charism and given time to cultivate virtue. My family and friends have been surprised, excited, and supportive. “
The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary embody the all-embracing motherhood of our Lady. They desire to be the living image and presence of the heart and mission of our Lady: “Anywhere the Church has a need we try to fulfill it in a Marian way.” Mission locations of the sisters include Illinois, Florida, Uruguay, Italy and Arizona.
Thank you for your ‘yes’ Anna, and we are praying for you!
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